You may have heard this in your coach training or mentoring – the topic is not the agenda in coaching. I’m often asked how this squares with ‘the client is always right,, the client controls the agenda’, and the intent of the coaching agreement.

The following are key elements of ICF Core Competency #2 – Establishing the Coaching Agreement that invites you to hold off on nailing down the outcome or goal until you have explored for specificity. This is permission to go deeper to consider, what is the mindset, thought or belief underneath the challenge or stated focus for the session.

Often, there is an issue beneath the issue? The initial “issue” is rarely the “real” or underlying one. Let’s use the example of a client who comes to the session with a focus on time management. They say they want a plan, tips, techniques to get a handle on their schedule.

The temptation is to go straight to strategy which steps over the exploration of the issue under this issue. Given the unending apps and tools out there to manage time, don’t believe your client lacks information. Instead, consider what mindsets lurk beneath this surface.

Maybe they are unwittingly buying into the belief there is never enough time, that other people manage their time better than they do or they say yes to too many requests believing this is what a generous, popular, or competent person does.

If we overlook these curiosities, any strategic action going forward will likely be a temporary solution. But if we partner with them to find a truer, more productive perspective the challenge might be permanently transformed – and with it the person.

Want some more practical tips to boost your coaching? Check out the Coach Credential Prep Course and/or join my mentor groups.