In every coaching conversation, there’s a time where the client sees what is holding them back from what they want. It is likely a limiting belief – or a perspective – that is too fixed or black and white. This is the leverage point for the coaching.

They’re thinking the outcome of what they want – to go back to school for example – is unattainable. They’re thinking, “I’m not smart enough.” “I have to give up all my free time. What if I fail?

As the coach, we know that none of these are entirely or necessarily true, and it’s up to us to help the client change these beliefs and find more empowering ones that align with their desired goal. The time to do this is when the client sees their mindset or perspective is the real obstacle to what they want. Oh, and it’s a good time to remind them, “What if you gave up this idea of going back to school, how would that feel?” Usually the client will now make a case for why they do not want to give up on their goal! Want to know more about the ‘leverage point” and how it can produce results in a 30-minute session? Come along to my free group mentor session. Register here