If you’ve coach for any length of time, you’ll notice that people bring similar problems and perspectives to the session. My mentor coach Marion Franklin was the first one to name these ’themes’. Themes are found in literature and film. So, the client’s story reveals the theme. They show up as the way a client thinks about or perceives their life, challenges, and goals. What belief about life is the client actually conveying when describing their circumstances?

Awareness of themes changes the way you ask coaching questions and helps create transformational shifts for your client. When you sense a theme, such as loss of control, lack of assertiveness, or abandonment, take it as a clue.

ASK YOURSELF: What is making this situation a problem for them? What is needed to help the client make a pervasive and sustainable shift in their perspective? This is master level coaching – helping your client permanently transform their thinking. What are the many themes in coaching? Find out by registering now for a free taste of masterful mentor coaching and take away answers to your biggest coaching challenges. Click here for more info.