And that’s the message I want you to hear – that you have the capacity and capability to be a brilliant coach. You just need someone to point that out to you with direct and compassionate feedback.


In the Laser-focused Coaching Program you reap the benefits of small classes where you are seen, heard, and understood as a person and as a coach.  Classes start Feb 3rd.  There are 2 spots left in the 12-week intensive program. Classes are limited to 8 coaches to give you the time and support you need.


There is no fluff here. No upselling, hubris or claims that this is the BEST coaching program in the whole wide world (I do believe this LOL)


What I can promise you is this: You will learn from our thousands of hours of coaching experience. You will practice and perfect the skills and techniques of masterful coaching.

And leave this program with a solid boost in your confidence and the value you bring to those you coach.