Welcome to your Mentor Coaching Assessment

Thinking about each coaching skill answer the questions "As a coach, I ...'

[I. Co-Create the Relationship]
1. View employees as partners and critical to the success of our company

[I. Co-Create the Relationship]
2. Am open and transparent and willing to be vulnerable to build trust with the client

[I. Co-Create the Relationship]
3. Take the time to build trust and rapport

[I. Co-Create the Relationship]
4. Serve as a good role model

[I. Co-Create the Relationship]
5. Do not let employee’s give up

[I. Co-Create the Relationship]
6. Do not divulge their confidence

[I. Co-Create the Relationship]
7. Acknowledge when it’s deserved

[I. Co-Create the Relationship]
8. Show support, empathy and concern

[I. Co-Create the Relationship]
9. Help align goals and values to the business strategies of Live Your Message

[I. Co-Create the Relationship]
Co-Creating Relationship Feedback

[II. Communicate Effectively]
10. Provide regular and specific feedback about performance

[II. Communicate Effectively]
11. Encourage and really listen.

[II. Communicate Effectively]
12. Avoid distractions when coaching (emails, texts, calls etc.)

[II. Communicate Effectively]
13. Manages one's emotions to stay present with the client

[II. Communicate Effectively]
14. Am confident in working with strong emotions.Am confident in working with strong emotions

[II. Communicate Effectively]
15. Am curious and comfortable working in a space of not knowing

[II. Communicate Effectively]
16. Create and/or allow for silence, pause or reflection

[II. Communicate Effectively]
17. Integrate the client's words, tone of voice and body language

[II. Communicate Effectively]
18. Notice trends in the client's behaviors and emotions to identify themes or patterns

[II. Communicate Effectively]
19. Invite the client to share more about their experience in the moment

[II. Communicate Effectively]
20. Share observations, insights and feelings that have the potential to foster new learning

[II. Communicate Effectively]
Communicate Effectively Feedback

[III. Evoke Awareness]
21. Allow for expression of feelings, perceptions, concerns, beliefs and suggestions

[III. Evoke Awareness]
22. Challenge client’s perspective as a way to encourage awareness or insight

[III. Evoke Awareness]
23. Ask about the client’s way of thinking, values, needs, wants and beliefs

[III. Evoke Awareness]
24. Ask questions that help the client explore beyond current thinking

[III. Evoke Awareness]
25. Recognize and inquire when there is more to what the client is communicating

[III. Evoke Awareness]
26. Notice and explore the client's emotions, energy shifts, non-verbal cues or other behaviors

[III. Evoke Awareness]
27. Supports the client in reframing perspectives

[III. Evoke Awareness]
Evoke Awareness Feedback

[IV. Cultivating Learning and Growth]
28. Partner with the client and relevant stakeholders to establish an overall coaching plan

[IV. Cultivating Learning and Growth]
29. Help define or reconfirm measures of success for what the client wants to accomplish

[IV. Cultivating Learning and Growth]
30. Consider what the client believes they need to achieve what they want

[IV. Cultivating Learning and Growth]
31. Encourage clients to self-manage and hold themselves accountable

[IV. Cultivating Learning and Growth]
32. Make performance expectations and priorities clear

[IV. Cultivating Learning and Growth]
33. Find ways to capitalize on the employee’s strengths

[IV. Cultivating Learning and Growth]
34. Champion employees when discouraged or taking on new, more challenging goals

[IV. Cultivating Learning and Growth]
35. Provide information about the company and their role in the company’s goals

[IV. Cultivating Learning and Growth]
36. Refer and/or recommend appropriate training, support or resources

[IV. Cultivating Learning and Growth]
Cultivate Learning and Growth Feeback

[V. Designing Actions]
37. Partner to generate ideas that move them forward

[V. Designing Actions]
38. Work with the client to integrate new awareness, insight or learning into their worldview

[V. Designing Actions]
39. Partner to design goals, actions and accountability measures that expand on new learning

[V. Designing Actions]
40. Acknowledge and support client autonomy goal setting, actions and accountability

[V. Designing Actions]
41. Invite the client to consider resources, support and potential barriers

[V. Designing Actions]
Designing Action Feedback

Overall Feedback

Areas to work on

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