You put your whole self in,
You put your whole self out,
You put your whole self in,
And you shake it all about,

You do the hokey pokey
and you turn yourself around
That what it’s all about.

Seems a bit random but this participation dance and lyrics defines the process of coaching from both the client and the coach’s perspective.

When we coach, we put our whole self in. We listen with our whole being, with all 5 senses and with our entire body. We eliminate distractions both environmental and mental. We are receiving another person not just their problem or goal, but their humanity, their creativity, and resourcefulness. See through their narrative to learn about the person before us.

We also put our whole self out or out there to be more specific. When you put yourself out there in coaching you are literally welcoming uncertainty and vulnerability. You are saying to the world, I do not fix my clients, solve their problems, or advise them on strategy. I’m curious about my client’s mindset or perspective and what has them stuck or seeking. I ask the bold questions, challenging their tightly held beliefs and partnering with them through the shift in perspective. I also hold that such direct communication increases the level of trust and protects something more important than the cost of momentary discomfort – it protects the truth.

For our clients, putting your whole self in means you are a thinking partner in the coaching. You are not waiting to be told what to do. You are searching all your 70 trillion cells for information and insight that supports your dream, goal, or vision. You let go of blame, comparing yourself to others, perfectionism, and fear.

And in doing so, you put whole self out to the world – unapologetic and confident that who you are is enough. You take care of yourself, set and enforce boundaries and you do it with kindness and assuredness.

Yes, and you working with a masterful coach turn yourself around. And that as the Hokey Pokey asserts is what it’s all about.