Hacking Executive Leadership by Emily Sanders, fellow coach, is a must-read for anyone who is struggling with or striving for leadership with a capital L. Emily boldly says in the very first line if her book, this book will change your life.

So true. Her tips are practical and easy to understand. She lays them out in a very logical way and the reader has no trouble keeping up with the content or applying it to their life.

My favorite pro tip is “Don’t think of a decision in terms of right or wrong. Try to not put so much pressure on yourself by thinking, I’m either going to make the right decision or wrong decision. Look at it as Choice A and Choice B; neither one
is better than the other. They both have pros and cons and their own set of trade-offs.

And I would add her wisdom about investigating any 3rd option as well as holding in mind that all decisions move you forward.

A word to my fellow coaches: Whether you are coaching executive leaders or those aiming to lead in their own life, this book is an excellent primer to have at the ready.