What Kind Of Coach Am I?

I believe coaching is about waking a person up who wants to be awakened to their greatest potential and ideal life. It’s a partnership. Together we get to the bottom of things – those beliefs, ideas, and perspectives that need shifting and those that need affirmation. If your ego is getting in the way, I’m going to poke a few holes in your story…

I’m not for the faint of heart. What does that mean? I’m not for the faint of spirit or the faint of wisdom. It takes a certain understanding even if you’re frightened or concerned or maybe you’re even still in that ‘I don’t really need this but I’m curious’ space. We, together in partnership, will really get to the bottom line of things, where you’re not in truth with yourself or if you’re kidding yourself. If your ego is in control of the whole enterprise of your life, I’m going to poke a few holes in there because your ego can get you only so far and it’s really important but it’s also often the thing that gets in the way.

For example, if you’re really a good organizer and you’re a good achiever – you make things happen – you might try that strategy with everything in your life and what you’re going to find out is it doesn’t work in relationships or when you’re trying to lead a company. I am going to poke holes in your theories. I’m going to trust that you can take whatever I’m dishing out because you’ve given me permission. And I have no stake in the fight and I’ve no dog in the fight as some people call it.

My only special interest is you. You and what you want.